Healing Words
Whether you’re looking to connect & learn through an art journal filled with genuine moments or a guide to the leadership that is day-to-day and big picture family caregiving, I have a book for you.

Care Boss: Leadership Strategies & Resources for Family Caregivers
A crucial guide, workbook, and organizer that enables family caregivers to lead their loved one’s care sensitively and effectively.
Today, more than 1 in 5 Americans are serving as unpaid caretakers for aging or ailing family members, friends, or neighbors, yet few receive guidance or emotional and structural support.
Care Boss fills this need by identifying and empowering the family caregiver as the leadership position it is. This testament to the importance of caregiving brings dignity, strategy, organization, and a whole lot of heart to the messy and seemingly impossible task of providing quality care to a loved one.
Jennifer A. O’Brien, MSOD, has 35+ years in healthcare leadership. She pairs professional acumen with her intimate experience as a family caretaker to each of her parents and her husband. With compassion and hard-earned wisdom, she teaches readers how to lead the care their loved one deserves.
An invaluable family care book, readers of The Conscious Caregiver and The Art of Dying Well will appreciate the empowerment and camaraderie they find in Care Boss.
Make the most of precious time and lead the way through one of life’s greatest challenges: caretaking for a loved one.
“A new and innovative approach to this commitment of love called caregiving.”
Brian Bell, MD, FAAHPM, Vice President & Chief Medical Officer, Arkansas Hospice, Inc.

The Hospice Doctor’s Widow: An Art Journal of Caregiving & Grief
As a hospice doctor, Bob cared daily for dying patients. His wife, Jen, listened to the stories of patients and families with her own losses first her only sibling and her mother. Then, the man who had spent a 40-year career caregiving was diagnosed with advanced, metastatic cancer.
An insightful blend of art and compassion, patience, and endearing honesty, this book comprises Jen's art journal, which chronicles this time in their marriage. What began as a visceral, self-care compulsion within days of diagnosis became notes, collages, and images revealing the raw, luminescent reflections of a caregiver-turned-widow.
The new edition of The Hospice Doctor’s Widow: An Art Journal of Caregiving and Grief includes nine new after-loss art journal entries and a forward by Pulitzer nominee, Elizabeth Coplan.

The Hospice Doctor’s Widow has been recognized with multiple awards



kind words

(about my books & advocacy)
"This book turned on my eye faucets and helped me grieve"
Gratitude and respect, Jennifer A. O'Brien! Having recently lost my beloved wife of 41 years, I was with the author all the way on the grief journey she chronicles so powerfully in this book. Her description of the "tender touch and smell moments" she had with her wonderful husband Bob in the last chapter of his life gives me something to hold onto as I mourn. This beautiful book – part journal, part scrapbook – manages to weave intimacy and practicality in simple, honest and even funny ways that all mourners and caretakers can benefit from.
I find myself going back to it to ease my heart and celebrate my lost love. At the risk of sounding ridiculous, I'd say that the COVID pandemic has widowed us all and we need books like this to help us mourn both privately and collectively. The book breathes resilience. The Hospice Doctor's Widow is a gift that belongs under many Xmas trees and on lonely bedside tables.
"Unflinchingly Candid and Informative"
The author's unflinchingly candid look at the time after her husband's cancer diagnosis through his death and the beginning of her survivorship provide a look at death from which no one should shy. As the text artfully pairs words and images/illustrations, it helps readers understand that as we proceed through the (ultimately inevitable for us all) processes of death and dying and grief, there are few emotions that are unique to the individual, and instead are reflections of what it means to be human. And yet, we each see these milestones through the unique prism of our own life experiences. For this author, a life as a CEO of medical practices as well as loving a man who was a hospice doctor has the special advantage of enabling her to provide practical advice to accompany her personal understanding.
This is a book for everyone who wants to live more fully.
"Painful and insightful"
This is a unique contribution to the literature of death and dying. It raises nettlesome questions about how we face death --- our own or that of someone in our immediate circle. The combination of journal like entries and depictions of graphic works presents an unconventional approach to a dark subject, combining the author's art and deeply felt emotional reflections that draws in even the casual reader. It stands up nicely alongside the acclaimed works in this field, like Atul Gawande's Being Mortal, that are more clinical and policy-oriented.
The pain of absorbing a completely unexpected dire prognosis and then witnessing the ensuing decline of the patient comes through in ways that are both hard on the reader to suffer second hand, but harder to put down and let go. Anyone who has experienced these inevitable encounters with the loss of someone close to advanced cancer will find meaning and inspiration in O'Brien's contribution to this important topic.
"Useful Advice to dealing with a loved one who has a critical illness"
As a widow myself, I know for a fact that reading this book can make one feel less alone and more validated by the emotional tsunami of feelings you experience in dealing with a critically ill loved one. Jennifer's explanation of hospice and palliative care will be extremely helpful to most readers since there is a great deal of confusion about these terms and the level and type of care that each offers. Lastly, the book has excellent advice for those consoling someone who has a lost a spouse or other loved one--and that is avoiding advice that starts with "You should......"
The beautiful collages Jennifer has accompanying her text add meaning to the words on the page.
"A beautifully written book of invaluable and insightful information for caregivers"
Each artistic journal page offers a unique and compassionate perspective on how to be more “at peace” with caregiving and the dying process — a process I previously knew nothing about.
I wish I could have read this book while caregiving for my late husband (who died many years before this book was published) as it simply yet succinctly describes the journey through the eyes of the author and helps to make sense of the unimaginable.
The Hospice Doctor’s Widow is a valuable gift for caregivers as it offers sound advice and gentle reminders on how to communicate, understand, and embrace the process and the “precious time” at the end of life. Thank you, Jennifer for sharing your beautiful story with us!
"A must-read for caregivers"
This beautifully crafted and thoughtful journal from a caregiver’s perspective from the time her husband (ironically, a hospice physician) was diagnosed with terminal cancer to the time when he has passed and she is alone is a must-read for anyone who’s caring for someone with a life-threatening illness as well as for anyone diagnosed. The writing is raw and beautiful and all of the things that one is actually thinking, but sometimes too afraid to speak it out loud. There are entries that should be a checklist of things to do. Jennifer’s words, coupled with her tremendous artistic ability, make the book a comforting read. I’ve now read it 4 times in its entirety and have gifted it to a friend whose wife was recently diagnosed. He’s written twice to thank me for the book and tell me how it is helping him. And with death being a natural and normal part of life, honestly we all should read this book and share it with those we love.
"A different approach to grief"
Jennifer O'Brien's art journal demonstrates that there are many ways to process the feelings that arise during end-of-life care and after a loved one's death. With just a few words and images, she cuts to the bone of grief. Her unstinting intimacy draws you close into the experience - like she's sitting across the room talking to you. Did I cry, even though it's been 25 years since I lost my beloved unexpectedly? Yes. Good, bittersweet tears. This book deeply engages the reader in the end-of-life discussions that we all should be having. What a gift.
"Beautiful resource"
I am a hospice nurse. This book is very helpful as a discussion tool with families experiencing hospice care.
"Heartfelt and Honest"
I devoured Jennifer's book in one setting and have since opened it up daily, just to glean encouragement from her words that are like a healing balm. I am the one that lives with the terminal diagnosis, my husband is the one that will be the widow when cancer takes me. Reading Jennifer's words as the caregiver, gives me much insight into what he is feeling, even when he can not express it. It is so important that our caregivers have the resources they need to help with their loved ones pending flight from this earthly realm. This book would make a great gift for anyone going through loss, grief and needs some encouraging words to just get through another day.
"Powerful - Emotional - Impactful"
There is so much to say about this book, but what I would say first and foremost is that this is a book to be contemplated, not just read. The wisdom shared by Jennifer through her journey with her husband at the end of his life is truly transformative. I found myself reading a page a day in order to fully absorb what she shared, both through her words and her artwork. Having walked a similar path, I can tell you that Jennifer is sharing much more than a story about confronting the end of life. This book is a reminder for us to make time "Precious" and not wait until we only have "precious time" left.
"A Resource of Support"
I opened the Amazon box and thought I'd briefly leaf through the book…and immediately found myself heading for the arm chair in the living room where I sat, mesmerized…I shed tears, I giggled, I was filled with so much love for my own relationship with my late husband…it made me wish I had had this book during our journey. It is exquisite…I don’t know of a better word. The modality used makes it all the more powerful and it’s honesty resonated right into my core and into my heart. Jen O'Brien has created a gift that will reach so many and will last forever…thank you, thank you.
"Excellent book for anyone dealing with grief"
Jennifer O'Brien started this book as a personal journal to help her deal with the eventual loss of her husband from cancer. The digital collage gave her a unique way to express the multitude of feelings and experiences she had during the process. Friends encouraged her to make this available to others, and the book was born.
As a hospice professional, I know that grief is both a solitary event and a universal one. I found O'Brien's book to be an excellent way for to her - and others - to work through the grief process. I have given this to numerous people at different stages in their personal or family journey with illness and the dying process.
"A Must Read!"
I’ve been waiting to read this book, and as my father was diagnosed with cancer I started looking for a release. This book is a must read, it shares honesty, realness and integrity. It really shows a caregiver perspective that all should be aware of and understand.
"Fresh faced perspective on having and giving grace while grieving"
I’ve owned this beautiful book for two weeks and read it twice cover to cover. Now I go back to re- read certain sections I’ve bookmarked. This book is for anyone and everyone who has lost someone they love or, faces that unimaginable loss. Until you experience loss I imagine many, like me, feel illiterate about grief. That did not occur to me until I read this beautifully written chronicle of love and beauty, and the reconciliations of grief and loss. Thank you Jennifer O’Brien.
"A unique book on loss - both helpful and beautiful"
A must read for anyone who knows they are going to lose a loved one, or, quite honestly, for all of us as there will be a day we will all lose someone we love. While we cannot prepare ourselves for the heartache, The Hospice Doctor's Widow provides practical, thoughtful and sage advice on how to best prepare for the journey. It is a beautifully crafted book that at the very least should be in the hands of everyone navigating life with a serious illness.
"Beautifully written and illustrated"
I read this in one sitting--couldn't put it down. It's heart wrenching but an inspiring look at the end of life and what our loved ones want/need. I loved all the special moments shared between husband and wife during this difficult time. Care giving to our sick loved ones is not always easy and the author shares her frustrations, love for her husband, laughter, tears and much more. Beautiful!
"A must read for anyone whose family is going thru cancer of a loved one"
The beauty of this book is in the honesty of the author and the tough, real-life situations that she and her Hospice husband faced. It is a heart wrenching REAL story of the good, bad, and ugly of a fairytale couple and their battle with the end of life decisions. At the end of the read, you will wish that you would be able to love as completely as they did.
"Everyone dies so make it a good death."
I bought this book for a friend who has a dear aunt facing a terminal diagnosis. Jennifer’s grace in the face of her husband’s illness is inspiring. Death is a part of life and knowing that we have the power to make the time left meaningful is such an important lesson.
"A beautiful retro/perspective on grief and dying"
This book is so amazingly beautiful. If you have ever gone through the hospice experience, or faced end of life issues with someone you love, this book is for you. Would make a great gift for a grieving person. It’s illustrated beautifully with short thoughts. I cried through the whole thing then smiled. Thanks for a beautiful book
"Highly Recommend"
The author beautifully describes the dignity of death, the grief of the loved one left behind, and the difficulty of the experience. A good read for all of us, not just those going through the death of a loved one. The book reminds us to cherish the “precious time” we have left. I highly recommend the book.
"Our reality!"
An awesome day to day journal in reality that we all will have to go through one day! The author was candid and honest about her true feelings during inevitable situations that occur during this journey! Highly recommend this for points to ponder for our future!
"A friend in need"
After reading the book, I purchased two more copies and sent them to friends who were dealing with life and death situations. They both told me later that the book was the most helpful support they had received. Thank you.
"Cried and laughed"
Beautifully written, very insightful and truthful. It would be a wonderful reference for loved ones loosing a family member.
"This journal shows survivors that the journey through loss brings deep understanding and wisdom."
This book teaches us to embrace a natural part of life — death — with love, strength, and gratitude. I wish that this journal had been available when I went through the valley of the Shadow of Death several years ago
"Beautiful and informative book!"
This book is so beautiful as well as informative. I bought it for a friend who is the caregiver for a family member going through hospice treatment. She found it comforting and amusing!
"A beautiful book full of beautiful nuggets"
The Hospice Doctor's Widow: A Journal by Jennifer O'Brien, and published by Et Allia Press. This beautifully written book journals for the survivors the 'forever changed', 'still here', though the honest and raw parts of grieving. Her words, quips, and notes help us to understand our speechless soul, the mixed emotions that come out when they feel like it, the blindsiding surprises, and a new view on 'one-day-at-a-time'. Instead of looking forward, you can look back and say, "I made it through another day." Her journal hits all of the senses on a journey to miracles. This book is a wonderful gift to all of us. Beautifully designed, the nuggets are fresh and inviting.
"Helpful for Family Caregivers"
Our signed copy of the book was not what I expected! As intended it read like a journal and was movingly chronicled and beautifully illustrated. Reading it as a primary caregiver was special as I could relate to many of her experiences and frankness as one who has not yet reached the end of care of his loved one. Peace with it all is hard to achieve and her book was a very helpful and succeeded in stirring my everyday thoughts about the burden which so many of us carry.
"This book engaged my grief journey as I watched my father dying. It is for anyone who has lost."
This book artfully and emotionally engages people who are going through loss or who are the main caregivers to someone who is dying. It will make you laugh and cry. It is thoughtfully done and beautifully laid out. Would recommend or gift to anyone who is in this limbo process of watching or caring for a loved one dying.
"Moving and Memorable"
This lovely journal begs to be held in your hands! It is a delight for the senses while conveying the reality of caregiving for your loved one at end of life. The art is quirky, delightful and elegant while the story will move you to both tears and laughter. I am recommending this book to my friends, students and clients who are caregivers or know a caregiver, as well as to those who have unexpectedly lost a loved one. This book is a combination of a poetic and poignant private journal and practical advice for preparing for end of life. It is a beautiful gift for yourself or for someone you know. I highly recommend this book be in your library.
"Beautiful and Encouraging"
Written from the unique perspective of a hospice physician’s wife as they themselves travel the road of illness and, ultimately, his death. The author’s insights are keen and thought provoking, even if you have not walked in her shoes yet. The artwork is vivid and beautiful. It helps you truly get a sense of what her words are expressing. I highly recommend The Hospice Doctor’s Widow to everyone—no matter if losing a loved one is imminent or if you are making preparations for your own passing. The book will considerably help you be at peace with the end of life.
"Beautiful AND Smart"
This book is beautiful. Its pages are beautiful; its message is beautiful; the author’s heart, and willingness to be so honest and vulnerable with her readers, is beautiful. I have shared it with my aging parents, with a widower friend, and with others. It has helped open conversation with my husband we might not have had otherwise. Expressions like “precious time” and “anticipatory grief” help frame feelings or passages that before seemed impossible to put into words. It is obvious that Jennifer is smart, and that she is also wise. Gift yourself or others you care for deeply with this book.
"Beautiful Book"
Visually, each page of this book is absolutely beautiful, but more importantly it's emotionally beautiful. It's a wonderfully touching read under any circumstance, however if you're going through end of life with a loved one, this book is invaluable. It's a comfort and a guide. You can read it chronologically, or pick it up and read a single page randomly, and it has the feel of sharing a heart to heart with a friend who understands. It also shares vital experiences and considerations that can help us all to maximize the enjoyment of the precious time we have together, while avoiding regret.
"I Wish I Had......"
Ms. O'Brien had the foresight, fortitude and talent to chronicle the most visceral time in a relationship and translate it into an impassioned guide. The author's ability to communicate feelings, through art, thoughts and even humor results in a one-of-a-kind memoir that will resonate with anyone who experiences loss and even those who haven't because they will.
"Must-read for patients and caregivers encountering terminal illness"
Jennifer's journal is authentic, raw and loving. The Hospice Doctor's Widow is her intimate account of caring for her husband while facing his terminal illness. Her guidance on "precious time" and her willingness to share their experience is a gift to others. I love this tender book and have given it to several friends.
This is not one of the usual books about experiencing grief!!
It is a beautiful, heartfelt journal of a couple who experienced each
step toward death together. It is full of sound, been-there, advice,
each page delightfully, and artfully presented, with love!!!
"'An account of equal parts grace and selflessness, suffering and acceptance."
This beautiful piece of art is simply exquisite. I am so grateful for the author's grace and willingness to share these precious pieces of the most intimate experience of their marriage. Each page was individually powerful-- sometimes with practical information and guidance, and most other times peeling back the layers of raw emotion of their story. I am so grateful to the Universe that the world knew Bob and is greater for his having passed through. Like any good piece that grew from death: it's about the living!
"Just enough and not too much"
This is a quick read, as many pages have short phrases or words with a lot of artistic elements. The author's empathy and honesty is clear on every page. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is going through an end of life experience with family or friends. A true gem.
"It's more than a book. It's a piece of art."
This book/journal surprised me. I was expecting it to just be a sad story. Which it obviously is. But what I wasn't expecting was how this was more than Jennifer and Bob's story. It has universal insight that doesn't just teach us how to deal with death, but how to live your life. And with every page filled with artwork created by Jennifer, this is an immersive experience that is powerful, personal and inspirational.
"Living With Loss"
This amazing multi-modal books takes you through one woman's journey -- her husband's hospice care, her loss, and her grief. I was touched and moved by the beautiful writing and the corresponding beautiful collages. If you are in 'precious time' with a loved one, I highly recommend the book.
"A Guidebook for Everyone: Comforting & Instructive"
What a beautiful book. Every home needs a copy, because death is the last stage of every life. My topic-avoidant husband read it straight through, closed it, and said, “Wow. Everyone should read this.” High praise. The beauty alone makes me weep (in a good way), and having gone through a similar situation in my 20s, when my father died young of cancer, I can relate. You will not regret buying this book.
"A must have for both patients and spouses!"
Wow! This book is stunning in both words and visuals. As a cancer survivor it helped me understand what my husband went through while also echoing my own experiences going through treatment. Jennifer's honest and heartfelt commentary on what it is to live with (and die from) a serious illness in invaluable.
"Amazing perspective"
Such a powerful work that uses many thoughtful layers to show the true meaning of preparation, death and grief. The author does a wonderful job of describing events in ways one may be thinking but find hard to articulate. Kudos to Jennifer O’Brien for a true one-of-a kind glimpse into the process of the death of a loved one.
"Heartfelt and authentic"
This book is simply beautiful. What a thoughtful gift for someone who has suffered through the loss of a loved one. Do yourself a favor - buy one for yourself and one for those you love.
"An emotional, thought provoking read"
I have shared this book with my parents, friends and even my high school daughter. Every one who experiences the book is brought to laughter and tears at some point. It is a beautifully told story of the journey all of us will face in some way. It creates much needed conversations even for those not yet facing a terminal diagnosis. I highly recommend!
Purchased one, then two more. The author is able to get to the heart of many caregiver issues and comes across with an assurance that others share many of these feelings. Also packed with sensitive practical advice to ease the burden of end of life planning with the intent of being able to focus on the needs of both patient and caregiver for a respectful, thoughtful transition when the time is imminent.
"An artful glimpse of personal love"
This beautifully designed journal The Hospice Doctor's Widow left me with a feeling of warmth and that my future is OK no matter what. This octogenarian is giving this journal to her children. It will help them when the time comes. Jennifer O'Brien has a heart and courage.
"Jennifer’s book is heartfelt, beautifully written and illustrated."
After my wife and I read Jennifer’s beautiful book, We were so moved by her willingness to share her personal journey, We purchased 12 books from the publisher to give to our friends that have experienced similar loss.
"Meaningful message for life partners packaged in a beautiful showcase"
I had the amazing opportunity to read excerpts from this beautifully crafted book before my husband's death. It prepared me, in ways I never expected for parts of dealing with life after his passing. This is an important book for anyone in a life partnership. Valuable knowledge for caregivers and anyone who experiences the loss of the one they love.
"Wisdom for the grieving heart"
Beautifully written, The Hospice Doctor’s Widow is a transparent deep dive into grieving as a partner dies. Jennifer O’Brien reveals her hard earned wisdom and illustrates it all to capture the heart, grit, and tears of a grief journey. Not just a “must read”, but a must read again. - Helen Bauer, co-host of The Heart of Hospice podcast
"Raw, intimate, uniquely written. You will feel every page with a plethora of emotions."
Raw, intimate, uniquely written. You will feel every page tugging at your heart with a plethora of emotions. Holding onto this book for when my sister is ready.
"The miracle is in acceptance"
This book is wonderful! It tells the story of dealing with cancer and unfavorable prognosis. Both Jen and Bob really dealt with this extremely well. This book is inspiring and should be read by all those dealing with terminal disease.
"Personal connection"
This is a beautiful authentic book. I can hear your words and feel my own connection to my loved ones. Thank you for opening up and sharing this moment in your journey to help others.
"It’s not the end"
Wow! This is a very personal love story and a practical guide for anyone facing a loss. Jennifer shares their journey candidly, with humor and appreciation for all she and Bob shared. It helps us anticipate what’s ahead as well as to cherish each moment along the way. It is a powerful and moving memoir and a must read for anyone facing end of life. You will laugh, you will cry and you will be glad you read it.
"Very Touching"
This is a very touching book on love and preparing for loss. This is what you would want to give a friend or a loved one who is dealing with caregiving or a terminal illness. A beautiful read.
"Love and Loss and Art"
This beautiful work gives the reader a view of a devoted wife enduring terrible loss in real time. Through it all she is able to express her feelings and story through art. Exploring this book, one is reminded that love is really hard, but really worth it.
"Helped me to be a better friend to those dealing with terminal illness & their caregivers."
This beautiful and easy to read book enabled me to be more empathetic with people I know who are caring for loved ones with a terminal diagnosis. It also helped me to better understand what people who have recently lost loved ones are going through. I have already given a few out as gifts. The Hospice Doctor’s Widow has also helped me have constructive conversations with loved ones about what their end of life wishes are.
"Must read!"
Loved it! Excellent read! Jennifer shares some emotions that I’m not sure all of us would have had the courage to do, but I know all of us would feel.
Beautifully written and designed.
"Beautiful Book"
Such a beautiful, well written book full of compassion and understanding. Everyone should own this book to have with them during difficult times.
"Beautiful and insightful reflection"
The Hospice Doctor’s Widow is a beautiful and insightful account of the author’s journey through the loss of her beloved husband. Her reflections are illustrated beautifully into a journal chronicling her feelings during their “precious time.”
It’s a beautiful book with a beautiful message. Meaningful and impactful to anyone who has loved someone with their whole heart.
"Beautiful and comforting"
After losing my father to dementia this past year I purchased this book and gave a copy to my mother. I found it comforting to read and really appreciated the beautiful illustrations.
"Finding beauty in an impossible situation"
Having gone through the long illness and passing of my bride, I loved Jennifer's ability to paint a picture in words of the beauty of life's bigger challenges.
"Essential insight for the thing no one wants to talk about but everyone should."
This book was so beautifully written and illustrated. While it would have been so easy to dodge the core issues of this subject with pithy sayings, the author writes with incredible clarity, originality, and insight. Every single page of this book speaks to, and from the heart. Every page is an essential lesson in life. And here I thought I had learned everything.
"Do you know someone who is grieving?"
Do you know someone who is grieving the loss of a spouse or loved one? This beautifully illustrated story by Jennifer O'Brien is a balm for those in grief. All five stages of grief are present, with the story ultimately ending in peace. By recognizing "precious time," we can have conversations with our loved ones about their wishes.
"Heart Touching"
Was recommended by a friend to read it. It is a very Heart touching and very realistic read. Highly recommended for those who are providing care to family members who are going through terminal illness. Also, for health care professionals in understanding the end of life issues their patients might be going through.
"A Extraordinary Story of Love and Life"
This was an incredibly well written story of how to care for and deal with the death of a loved one. It provided useful information and answered many hard questions about things you often times don't wish to think about. Highly recommend this to anyone dealing with life threatening illness of a family member or friend.
"Honest and fresh perspective"
Jennifer’s honest and thoughtful words are beautifully written and bring a fresh, unique perspective to the experience of supporting a critically ill loved one and losing them. Her “at peace” mantra gave me a new way to think about death, and highlights the need for more discussion about death and dying, particularly as the planet faces so much of it.
This is a must read both both medical providers and family regarding end-of-life issues
"Good tool for those who have grieved or are grieving"
Sometimes it's good to read someone else's expressions of how you are feeling. This book has those for anyone who has lost someone close.